伊利诺斯州 University protects the privacy of students, 教师, 工作人员, 子公司, and University business by protecting electronic records. 本声明详细说明了全球十大赌钱排行app(ISU)收集的信息以及ISU如何使用访问ISU网页的个人信息.e. asatjd.com & illinoisstate.edu).
所有的大学, 分歧, 能力, 部门, 学校, 中心, 学术服务, 库, 和大学的收藏在全球十大赌钱排行app(伊利诺伊州)上运行和维护自己的网页.edu & asatjd.com)域. 这些网页可能会提供与其活动相关的额外信息,以补充本隐私声明.
Personal Information Collected
全球十大赌钱排行app从多个来源收集有关个人的各种信息. 这些信息可以直接从个人收集,也可以在提供服务的过程中自动生成.
Directly Collected Information
On some parts of ISU web pages, 您可能会被要求提供有限的个人信息,以便提供服务(例如.g. applying to the University) or for authentication to services (e.g. logging into a website).
If you use ISU services for financial transactions, we may collect information about the purchase or transaction. The information collected may include payment information, account or authentication information, 地址细节, 以及联系方式. ISU does not store full credit or debit card numbers.
大学可以手动或电子方式存储收集到的特定信息. By supplying this information, 您同意大学按照提供信息的目的处理该信息. Information will be kept for as long as is necessary to fulfill that purpose. This information may identify you as an individual. If you do not agree with this policy, 不访问或使用国际滑联网页或与大学域名的任何其他方面进行交互.
Automatically-Generated Information Collected
ISU may collect information about your use of services, including but not limited to: the web pages you visit, the referring web page, and the duration of your visit.
ISU may also collect information about your computer, including but not limited to: network protocol, operating system version, and web browser information and web history.
The University may store this information manually or automatically. By supplying this information, 您同意大学按照提供该信息的目的处理该信息. Information will be kept for as long as is necessary to fulfil that purpose. This information may be reported in aggregate to our web administrators. 汇总信息不识别个人,而是用于对网页使用情况进行统计分析,以确保ISU网页有效地呈现信息.
How Collected Information Is Used
您向大学提供的个人信息将仅用于要求提供信息时所述的目的. ISU may process your information:
To provide services consistent with the University’s mission
ISU will retain your personal data to provide University students, 教师, 工作人员, 和大学社区成员提供符合大学使命的有效服务,包括但不限于:入学目的的信息, 学术目的, 住宿, 校友的目的, for co-curricular and student activities, for community engagement activities, for employment purposes, for facilities support, 卫生服务, housing and dining information, information technology purposes, 法律的目的, for marketing and communications purposes, for teaching and instructional purposes, and other administrative purposes.
ISU将保留和处理所收集的数据,只要需要履行我们对您的义务或法律要求. 如果第三方组织参与提供服务,ISU可能会向他们提供您的数据. ISU要求所有第三方组织确保个人数据与ISU一样安全. Processing of the data will take place on the University campus in Normal, 伊利诺斯州, unless it is required to be transferred for another University purpose. 在这种情况下, 根据条款,您所提供的个人资料可能被转移至海外, conditions and limits specified by law.
To identify problems or ways to improve services
国际滑联将保留您的个人资料,以确保国际滑联资讯科技服务的安全. ISU uses this data to identify accounts and associated activity, monitor services for malicious or fraudulent activity, and to comply with University policies.
有关用户行为的人口统计和统计信息可能会被收集并用于分析大学网页的受欢迎程度和有效性. 只要保留这些信息符合大学的合法利益或法律要求,ISU将保留这些个人信息.
Because you asked us to
在您同意我们为特定目的或法律要求保留您的个人资料的情况下,ISU将保留您的个人资料, unless you request the information to be changed or deleted.
To provide Services via University contractual relationships
ISU may retain your personal data for processing purposes, 并为上述特定目的或法律要求与第三方共享数据.
Legal Bases For Processing (for EEA users)
If you are an individual in the European Union, 大学将根据适用的欧盟法律收集和处理个人信息. The legal bases depend on your interaction with the University.
How ISU Stores Collected Information
您提供给大学的信息将存储在我们的安全服务器或第三方承包商, some of whom host and operate certain features of ISU web pages. 相应的, 大学向您收集的信息可能由这些第三方收集或转移给这些第三方. 提交个人信息即表示您同意此转移、存储和处理. 大学将采取合理措施,确保根据本私隐声明妥善处理您的资料.
How ISU uses "cookies"
Some University web pages may use cookies, which are small files that store information about your visit to a web page. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
- to carry data about your current session at the site from one Web page to the next; and
- to identify your previous session; and
- 收集有关您当前会话的数据,以评估和提高网站的有用性.
有关我们在大学主要网页上使用的cookie的更多详细信息(伊利诺伊州.edu & asatjd.com) and the purposes for which we use them, please see our Cookie声明.
大学网站可能与第三方网站集成或包含到其他第三方网站的链接. 一般, the University is not responsible for the practices third parties, except where required by University contract. 建议用户查阅第三方网站的隐私政策或声明.
Disclosure of information
大学可能会在必要或适当的情况下向第三方提供您的信息,以满足适用法律, 规定, or government requests; identify, prevent or mitigate fraud, 安全, or technical issues; or to protect the safety of our users or others. Except as detailed in the above sections, 大学不会尝试使用技术信息来识别个别访客.
Changes to our 隐私声明
我们对隐私声明所做的任何更改都将在本页公布, 在适当的地方, notified to you by email. 我们鼓励用户定期查看本隐私声明的变更.
大学数据保护官负责监督大学遵守欧盟GDPR责任. If you have a question regarding obtaining access to, the processing of personal data, requesting that personal data be erased, or correcting information, please contact the Data Protection Officer.
任何有关隐私的问题或顾虑都应直接向大学数据保护官提出, 丹Taube.
伊利诺斯州 University
Information Security Office
Normal, IL 61790-3380
电话: (309) 438-8985 or (309) 438-9001